
目前显示的是 四月, 2022的博文

Types of Titanium Metal Anode

The production of non-ferrous metals is done electrochemically through the process of electrolytique. This process involves the use of acid-base water and a non-ferrous metal such as titanium as an anode. The treatment of metals by electrolysis results in an anode with a softer and more corrosion resistant surface. The treatment also allows the metal to be reused without excessive loss. Here are some examples of anodes made of titanium: Platinized titanium anode Platinized titanium anode have several benefits. They are used in cathodic protection and surface treatment of precious metal baths. They can also be used in the manufacture of chlorine for swimming pools. This article describes how to buy a Platinized Titanium metal anode. Read on to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this material. This material is resistant to corrosion and is used in various industries. The benefits of platinum on titanium anode are numerous. For example, these anodes are used in cathodi